Live your dreams now

Live your dreams now

Live your dreams now   Are you putting off something you have always wanted to do. Do you have a dream or a goal that you want to acheive? Not enough time? Not enough money? Do you say “I’ll travel when I am retired” or “I’ll learn...
What is confidence?

What is confidence?

What is confidence?   Confidence is a mindset. Confidence is experience. Confidence is practice. Confidence is a choice. The dictionary defination is:  “a feeling of self-assurance arising from an appreciation of one’s own abilities or...
Try something new and scary

Try something new and scary

Try something new & scary Sheila Starr / May 21   Let me just start by telling you that I hate things that spin me around. I feel sick and its not a feeling I enjoy. My tummy jumps when I go over a speed bump, so the idea of skydiving was not an appelaing...